If you use satellite TV services, you will know that heavy rain can cause you to lose signal. This is caused by an event called rain fade and unfortunately, there is very little broadcasters can do about it. Rain fade affects high-frequency signals, like those used by satellite television providers like DStv and refers to moisture in the atmosphere absorbing the satellite signals causing them to weaken. Satellite signals are a radio wave and at high-frequency, radio waves get absorbed by moisture in the air. When a really heavy cloud comes over and drops its load the raindrops will absorb more signal and you eventually lose tuning on the receiver. You might be advised that placing a plastic can on top of the satellite dish but this does not solve the problem. The only thing it solves if water droplets getting into the receiver but this is not necessary at all. The designers of the satellite dish, coaxial cable, and receiver took into account the fact that it was going to be installe...